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Translation: Tenacity or Endurance
White Vermont Marble with Brown Striations
With Belgium Black Marble Base
6" w x 11" long by 22" tall,    Base – 11" x 11
For Inside  Installation


Gambari is part of the Striving Series of Sculptures. It joins other sculptures that include: Eihei, Ikkyou, Kourin, Kyouko Noboru, Seidai, Shikou and  Toorimichi.

Gambari always reminded me of a English Barrister tenaciously defending a client.  I was  told that it reminded a woman of the nuns who schooled her - how tough but ultimately kind they were.  Both of these observations come from the stippled top on the sculpture and the whiteness/purity of the color of the stone.

The Striving Series is composed of sculptures that either are inspiring (by trying to motivate you onward) or strong (conveying an attitude of not backing down).

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